Thursday, October 21, 2010

truckin' along

so it's my third week doing insanity and i am pretty proud of myself. i have stuck with it pretty religiously every week. tomorrow will be day 5 of this week, which is pretty unbelievable for anyone who knows me! i haven't exactly started seeing results, but i feel good at least!

so the downside right now is that i haven't lost any weight!!! i know i can attribute my non-weightloss to my delish mcdonald's dinner last night, along with many other bad choices in the last few weeks...not sure how to get myself into a good diet that i can stick with. i know everything i need to do, but i am having the hardest time!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

exciting progress

yesterday was my third trip to try on dresses and i finally made up my mind! ironically i ended up choosing the very first dress i tried on. i am excited about my choice, i think it's the best fit for me! in addition to finding the dress, i'm excited to be on day 6 of insanity. it's such an intense and fulfilling workout and i'm excited to start seeing results. i bought my first pair of skinny jeans and some cute knee high boots and i can't wait until i can feel great in them!
i can honestly say that for the first time, i finally feel like i found a workout plan that i will stick with and will see results. i have also been doing pretty well with my diet, but haven't exactly been following weightwatchers. i hate to give up on it, but i think i may have to throw in the towel with it right now and continue with insanity. there is a great eating plan that comes with the DVD's so i am planning to follow that as best as i can and see what happens.
thanks again for following! xoxo

Monday, October 4, 2010

ww and insanity

it's been a few weeks since my last post. i haven't been to ww for 3 weeks either, nor have i been tracking points or working out. but, i'm back to reality and back to working out. i bought insanity about 6 months ago and did it occasionally for about a month. then chris decided he wanted to borrow it so he brought it on the road with him. surprise surprise, someone stole it! probably a maid, who else could it have been? so i bit the bullet and bought it again, both times off ebay so i saved $ but actually ended up spending a bit more than the retail price after buying it twice. ironic. anyway, i started it today, just finished a 40 minute workout. it's a tough workout for sure. i definitely know i could lose weight if i stuck to it at least 4-5 days a week....we shall see.

anyway, i am planning to go back to ww on thursday and really want to commit to counting points and staying committed. i've definitely been slacking on everything lately! my wedding is getting closer by the day, it's so crazy! i'm hoping to pick a dress this weekend when i go to maria's in plymouth, fingers crossed!

thanks agin for following, i'll be sure to keep you updated on my insanity workouts! xoxo